Untrading transforms lone traders from vulnerable prey in the financial wilderness into a thriving, collaborative community—like turning solitary deer into a powerful pack of wolves and lions — enabling shared success and survival in the challenging market ecosystem.

Untrading is a revolutionary DeFi platform that allows you to profit from asset appreciation even after selling. Using our unique ERC-5173 standard, we've created a system where past owners continue to benefit from future price increases. It's a commission-free protocol for investing in both cryptos and NFTs, designed to create a win-win scenario for all participants.

Lone traders are like solitary deer—easy prey for market predators.

The Individual Trader's Dilemma

In the harsh realm of financial markets, the solitary trader faces a daunting challenge. Picture them as a lone deer, separated from the protective herd, navigating a landscape fraught with hidden dangers. The statistics are grim: over 90% of individual traders end up losing their entire investment over time. This sobering reality stems from the zero-sum nature of current trading systems, where each victory necessitates another's loss. Isolated and exposed, these traders find themselves at the mercy of uncontrollable market forces. 


They wage a constant, exhausting battle against a barrage of obstacles: market inefficiencies that favor larger players, relentless fees that erode profits, the overwhelming advantages held by institutional investors and insiders, and perhaps most insidiously, their own emotional and cognitive biases. Despite their best efforts to fend off losses, the outcome for most is depressingly predictable — defeat. This bleak scenario raises a critical question: in a system so heavily stacked against the individual, is there a better way to approach trading and investment?

Cooperative Strategy in Game Theory

Untrading isn't just about individual success; it's about creating a collaborative and equitable financial ecosystem. Together, we can revolutionize the way investments are made and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

The strength of the wolf is the pack!


With ERC-5173, Untrading enables traders to build communities that support each other, pooling their resources, knowledge, and efforts. By doing so, participants no longer face the crushing odds alone. Instead, they engage in a system where the risk of losing everything is mitigated. Even after selling assets, users remain connected through the built-in Future Rewards feature, which guarantees a portion of future profits from the network they helped create—similar to a variable annuity where participation today yields ongoing returns tomorrow.

Building Kingdoms

As Untrading communities grow, leaders naturally emerge — those who contribute more, organize better, and build stronger networks. These leaders can rise through the ranks and create what are essentially “kingdoms.” Here, individual communities with shared economic interests and values come together, led by those who have mastered the system's cooperative strategies. This dynamic allows community leaders to grow their influence and wealth while ensuring that everyone in their network benefits over time.

The Network State Vision

As these “kingdoms” mature and expand, they begin to resemble micro-nations or Network States. Untrading serves as the economic engine driving these communities forward, allowing them to scale globally. In a world where individuals, not just institutions, can build wealth, create networks, and establish governance structures, the rise of the Network State becomes inevitable. These digitally interconnected communities can transcend borders, powered by shared ideals, economic cooperation, and the innovative architecture Untrading provides.

The Bigger Picture

At its core, Untrading redefines the very nature of financial markets. It moves from isolation and competition toward cooperation, wealth-building, and community-driven success. What starts with one trader trying to avoid losses ends with the potential to build global, cooperative Network States — each with its own culture, economy, and governance. In this system, no one is left behind, and everyone has a chance to create, grow, and maintain wealth, well after their initial trades have been made.

Through this powerful framework, Untrading paves the way for a more equitable and interconnected future—one where individual traders can transcend the old zero-sum game and help build the next evolution of society.

By providing this economic foundation, Untrading empowers individuals to build, grow, and maintain connections that transcend traditional financial boundaries. It's not just about trading assets; it's about creating sustainable, cooperative communities that can evolve into the Network States of tomorrow.

Whether you're an individual trader looking for a fairer system, a community leader aiming to build your digital kingdom, or a visionary seeking to establish a Network State, Untrading offers the tools and infrastructure to turn these ambitions into reality. Welcome to the future of collaborative finance and digital nation-building.